Our Vision

Our clients will freely and fully experience the highest quality of life regardless of disability. To achieve this vision we will join with communities and people who receive and deliver services to:

  • Support people to live in and be part of their communities.
  • Promote and support growth by building self confidence, self esteem and personal responsibility.
  • Promote quality of life by participating in strengthening families and communities while valuing cultural diversity.
  • Promote informed choices.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to join with individuals, families and communities to encourage and assist people with disabilities to achieve independence, good health and meaningful living. We focus on:


Aiding those we serve to build on the strengths and accomplishments of the past.


Encouraging active participation in decisions and planning.

Eliminating Barriers

Eliminating barriers in serving all disabilities.

Contact us

Independent Living Solutions LLC

345 Meriden Road
Waterbury, CT 06705

Office Hours
Monday & Thursday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Phone: 203-757-5890
Fax: 203-591-8409
Email:  lmartin@ilsct.com

Our Team

The ILS Team of professionals, with over 50 years of combined experience, have established solid relationships with the Dept. of Social Services (DSS), Dept. of Developmental Services (DDS), Dept. of mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS), Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), Neuropsychologists, Cognitive Behaviorists, and Case Managers, and other specialists. Our dedicated and compassionate team members leverage these relationships to enhance the lives of our clients and ensure their success on a day-to-day basis.

Lisa Martin

Founder and President

Renata Pierce

Director of Services

Kara Pfeifer

Vocational Service Manager